November 4, 2013


One of my favorite thing to photograph are close-ups of peoples' faces.

And I know a lot of people are uncomfortable with that but they seem to be okay with that when I photograph them.

I ask the majority of them if they would like some photoshop done to their face ( not because I think they're ugly or not, but because they might want to remove unwanted stuff) . I know I'd want a little bit of photoshop on my face to remove those imperfections.

I guess I like photographing close-ups because of the eye contact and like the saying goes, a picture says a 1000 words. A persons face says everything and shows they're emotion perfectly. I prefer close-ups over scenery shots, because people are always more attracted to faces rather than landscapes, although scenery is pretty nice too.

Below are my favorite close-ups. I'm sure I could find more; I have a photo gallery of 2000+ images on my computer! But my little Galilea is about to wake up from her 2 hour nap and I need to attend to her.

I will be updating my blog more often with more photographs of my daily life. I promise.
