January 21, 2014

Galilea is now 1 !


You know how every mom says, "Enjoy your little ones. They grow up so fast".

I didn't really believe them. I actually thought they were exaggerating when they said that.

Now I know they weren't exaggerating because I have finally experienced it.

Galilea is now a toddler and not a baby. (she still doesn't walk so she is a baby in my eyes and everyone elses).

That first year seemed like it happened last month, if you get what I am saying. Like everything we went through with Galilea happened in one month.

Although, my little one seems like she was wide awake right when she was born. She loves being involved in everyone's business and likes to communicate with people by screaming and smiling at them.

I have a feeling she's going to be very social unlike myself.

12 Month Update:

  • she likes to let go of furniture and stand for a few seconds; no walking yet.
  • she is getting picky about certain foods; she spits most of her food out.
  • she likes dancing to music, especially rock and rancheras.
  • she can do a popping noise with her mouth
  • she has 5 teeth, 3 at bottom and 2 up top.
  • she weighs 23 lbs and measures 29 1/2 inches tall
  • her favorite foods : chow mein, vegetables and fruits of any kind
  • when she hears a dog barking she says, buu (boo). 
  • she doesn't have a fear of heights, she prefers to be held up high and swung around and around
  • she knows what oso, perro, tia, pa, tio, abueya, pelota, limpia, leche and luz mean.

1 year old portrait

baby hair keepsake