December 17, 2013

Shes becoming more aware...

She will be turning 11 months on Friday.

This girl is seriously like a mini adult and throws her tantrums at the
right times too!

It's crazy seeing her now compared to her 1 month portraits
although I feel like she has always been very aware since day one.

She learns things way too fast (except for physical things like crawling and walking)

She learned her name around 5/6 months of age.

She knows the words, Perro (dog), oso (bear), agua (water), Apa (dad) , No (of course, its one that she hears more often) and other various words that I am teaching her.

This kid! I love her. She and I will get along great when she is older.

(I was told my husband bit an old lady when he was younger and I'm hoping Galilea doesn't get that part of her daddys genes. PRAYING she doesn't.)

-Angeles Godinez